Sidhika Balachandar


Located in New York, NY

Hello! My name is Sidhika. I am a second-year Computer Science PhD student at Cornell University. I work on problems at the intersection of machine learning and healthcare. I am advised by Prof. Emma Pierson and Prof. Nikhil Garg. I am working on using machine learning and statistical models to detect bias in medical decision making. I am fortunate to be supported by the NSF GRFP.

I received my undergraduate degree in Computer Science at Stanford University. At Stanford, I worked on two research projects. First, I worked with Prof. Ron Dror and his student Alex Powers on a drug docking project. Second, I worked with Prof. Leonidas Guibas and his postdoc Adrien Poulenard on a project about rotation equivariant machine learning for 3D point clouds.

My hobbies include dance (I've been trained in classical Indian dance), hiking, cooking, and reading.

My CV is available here. My pronouns are she/her/hers.